Will an updated version of Afterburn be available for Max 9 as soon as it comes out?
All our plugins will be updated to be compatible with any upcoming versions of 3ds max.
With the recent release of Max 9 I hope we can see the update to Afterburn soon. Any idea when that might be?
Currently we're very busy with FumeFX and it takes all our time.
We have developed new technologies for this project from which AfterBurn is going to benefit as well.
What I mean is, when can we get a recompiled version of Afterburn that works with Max 9? I would think it would be a top priority to support existing customers that want to upgrade to the newest version of Max and not have to be stuck working in 8 just to do certain special effects.
I understand a full update to Afterburn may be some time in coming, but I'd like to at least use the current version with Max 9.
3ds max 9 builds (32 and 64 bits) are finished and send to TurboSquid for release.
We are expecting release next week.
That's great news. Turbosquid shows version 3.2 right now, but doesn't mention anything about Max 9. This isn't the Max 9 upgrade is it? I have version 3.1, but I'm guessing I just didn't relize there was an update as some point. Which version should we be looking for to get the Max 9 upgrade?
AfterBurn 3.2 is for 3ds max 6-9, but it seems they didn't manage to release R9 installations last week.
I will post a notice on this forum when they do.
So is there an update on your plugs for Max 9? No one over at turbosquid seems to be answering questions about the turbo tool kit updates
I've got information that 3ds max9 installs (32 and 64 bit) of AfterBurn and DreamScape will be available next week.
I was waiting for this, too. Thanks for your reply/information !
it is slill quiete at turbosquid.com. Is there any information about the Max9-updates for Afterburn ?
Any news about plugin for Max9? It seems that Turbosquid doesnt care much about the users of Afterburn.
Best regards
What is going on with turbosquid.com
I email 12/22/06 about Afterburn and DreamScape for Max9 Nothing
No replay. Not even sorry we are working on it.
What is going on. Digimation replies back the same day or next day
and help you out with every thing. This is BS.
We have received 3ds max 9 installers today but they need to be modified. Those modification should require max. 40 minutes to be done, so my hopes are that instalers will be available by tomorrow.
I have forwarded your posts about emails remains unanswered.
Thank you for reply ! That is nice to hear.
Best wishes
I've got a reply from Turbo Squid about emails not getting replied.
The problem is that they're getting hundreds of spam emails a day that are filtered, so maybe some of your emails didn't end up in right hands.
Because of that, they now use an online ticket system that is always answered within 1-2 working days.
Well I did post a Ticket #235480 on TurboSquid web site 2006-12-22.
And they didn't reply on the matter. It's ok.
Now I know what going on.
Thank You.
Dear Normand,
I have forwarded your post to Turbo Squid and will let you know why your ticket is still unanswered.