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Render artifacts in 32 bit max 9, 2010. - Printable Version

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Render artifacts in 32 bit max 9, 2010. - deflaminis2 - 06-02-2009

Hello, I'm having a lot of issues with Afterburn 4.0.

One of them is my renders using f9 don't seem to update themselves. It won't even seem to think about the render, just shoot back the same frame as before. (Both versions of max)

Also, it sometimes leaves the old render when it does update a new render, creating a mess.

Finally, I'm getting weird black lines through my renders. Here is an image.

In this image you can see an older render and a newer one, with a zoomed in camera. But it leaves the old one. Very odd.

It may be connected to the scene file, but that's a shame because I'm updating a shot for a client and it was working ok with the old version.

Thank you for your help.

EDIT: now I'm having an issue where nothing renders at all with the scanline renderer... but vray works. It's just ultra bright and density seems to have no effect.

Re: Render artifacts in 32 bit max 9, 2010. - sitnisati - 07-01-2009


What if you render through F10, and not "Render last" ?
Does that work?

