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Maya 2018 - Printable Version

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Maya 2018 - NNT666 - 09-11-2017

Can you please tell me, when FumeFX for Maya2018 will be available?


Otto-Peter Kuchinka

Re: Maya 2018 - sitnisati - 09-11-2017


It has been uploaded for Windows and Linux just a few moments ago.

Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec

Re: Maya 2018 - japerez - 10-16-2017

Fume is not batch rendering in 2018 with Arnold.

Re: Maya 2018 - sitnisati - 10-17-2017


To be able to render FumeFX with Arnold on the network, you will need FumeFX-Arnold shader license(s).
Rebdering from the Maya UI is free.

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec

Re: Maya 2018 - japerez - 10-18-2017

Yeah, nice try man. I'm trying to render it on a stand alone machine. I had to revert my project to 2016. I installed the 2016 Arnold shader and still no joy. Fume seems pretty broken.

Re: Maya 2018 - sitnisati - 10-19-2017


I'm sorry, but no sure exactly what you mean by that, but please be assured that we will try to help you to resolve anything that might be wrong on our software side.
We've got your additional info by email, but to be able to help you, we will need to know the name of FumeFX installers that you have used and the vebose log file of the command line render to see the error.
Also, on the license server it would be good to know if the license has been requested at all.
We could also connect to your machine with TeamViewer to solve the problem.

Thank you

Re: Maya 2018 - sitnisati - 10-20-2017


I'm glad that we have solved this problem yesterday via TeamViewer and it turned out it was not a FumeFX bug.

Thank you.

Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec