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3ds Max 2008
Ok, I have 3ds max 9 and 2008 on the same machine. I'm also a turbo toolkit user. I've attempted to contact turbosquid about a max 2008 release of AB, DS, etc. I understand that the plugins themselves are compatible, but the installer doesn't provide the option of setting the directory. As such, when I run the installer, it automagically installs into the max 9 directories.

Is there a workaround?
Michael J. Narlock
Head of Astronomy/Web Coordinator
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

ph: 248.645.3235
fx: 248.645.3050

Did you send a support ticket to turbo squid or email ?
Turbo Squid already have max 2008 installer, and we will finish update of our members area web pages within a day or two.

Feel free to send me an email with your contact information with Turbo Squid, and I will forward to them.



Did you email our support team or use our online support form? Either way, the TS support team should have responded by now. I'm not seeing any open tickets in our CRM system for Max 2008 requests, so I can only assume for the moment that you've been taken care of already. I've forwarded your information to the support team to confirm this.

Just for public knowledge, the answer for Max 2008 is that we built specific installers for that flavor of Max to help avoid the potential problem of users installing the wrong versions of the tools into the wrong versions of Max. It's a one-to-one relationship - each version of Max gets its own custom designed installer.

If you send me an email to vendors AT turbosquid DOT com I'll go ahead and get you squared away immediately. Be sure to include your Toolkit serial number in your request.



Beau Perschall
VP of Business Development
Turbo Squid, Inc.
Turbo Squid, Inc.
The World in 3D
Thanks Beau. I sent you an email at the address you listed.

I had actually appended a previous support ticket I had with TS to ask about Max 2008. I'm guessing that's what has been causing the delay. Shall I add a new ticket on the TS website or will sending you the email to vendors at turbosquid dot com suffice?

Thanks again for your assistance.
Michael J. Narlock
Head of Astronomy/Web Coordinator
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

ph: 248.645.3235
fx: 248.645.3050
Sorry for the continued delay Michael. I didn't receive your email through that account and am going through the spam filters with our sysadmin to make sure your note didn't get trapped somewhere nasty. You can send to beau AT turbosquid so I can take care of you ASAP. I want to make sure you're good to go myself here.

For future reference, starting a new support ticket through our website (not via email) is generally the quickest way to get a response on an issue like this. Big Grin

Turbo Squid, Inc.
The World in 3D
Fair enough. I'll use your suggested procedure going forward. I've also sent you an email with my serial #, etc.

Thanks again!
Michael J. Narlock
Head of Astronomy/Web Coordinator
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

ph: 248.645.3235
fx: 248.645.3050
Hi Beau,

Did you happen to receive either of my emails (the one to you specifically or the one to vendors)? I'm sending them from my work account which is mailto:mnarlock@cranbrook.edu

Thanks again.
Michael J. Narlock
Head of Astronomy/Web Coordinator
Cranbrook Institute of Science
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48304

ph: 248.645.3235
fx: 248.645.3050
Michael - having your email was invaluable in tracking down your emails to my accounts. It appears our AppRiver spam filter had trapped your emails and it took a bit of digging to find them. I'm sorry for the problems it caused. I've emailed you with your updates. I've also requested that your email be put on the whitelist for our Exchange server so this won't occur moving forward.

Let me know if they come through unscathed. Confusedhock:


Turbo Squid, Inc.
The World in 3D

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