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FumeFX 6.1.7 [max] update

Today we have released FumeFX 6.1.7 update. Here is a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

New Features and Improvements
- Load Grid node can now load separate velocity components from .vdb caches.
- Advection parameters added to the Solver node.
- Load Grid node added Adaptive Grid options so that grid can expand if user is simulating grid beyond loaded frames.
- Load Grid node add Y up checkbox.
- Load Grid node added out of range mode that allows users to keep last loaded cache in memory.
- Added auto populate button to the Load Grid node for vdb caches.

- Simulation speed could drastically reduce depending on the file location. With this update, some scenes can simulate twice as fast as in previous versions, including FumeFX 5.
- Changing Custom Channels caching didn't restart simulation with memory caching enabled.
- Memory caching can crash with custom channels.
- NodeWorks .prt export didn't export particle colors properly.
- Rare crash within openVDB during cache exporting.
- tyFlow orientation was changing with particle scale. This bug was fixed in recent tyFlow update but we’ve also made changes to this update so that users with older version of tyFlow can still get proper particle orientation.
Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec

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