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Setup failed to run installation: The Remote Procedure Call Failed.
(11-28-2022, 05:50 AM)KresimirĀ Tkalcec Wrote: Hello,
Could you try to right click on the exe and choose to extract it?
That will create Disk1 folder and there will be a setup.exe file within that you should start.
At which screen it reports this error, if any screen opens.

I can send you zip files for FumeFX 6 beta 10 if nothing works, just please let me know which 3ds max version you use.

I extracted it for Max 2021 and it did the same thing.

I'm on a work computer that's connected to a network so I'm wondering if this is a permissions thing that I just don't have?

One thing to note. I HAVE to run it by right-clicking and doing "Run as Administrator" then I get the error "Remote Procedure Call failed"

BUT if I just run it without using the administrator option (with the right-click) I get this error:


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RE: Setup failed to run installation: The Remote Procedure Call Failed. - by Imatk - 11-28-2022, 10:28 PM

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