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Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene
It's always happen. Disk is not full, RAM is not full, And it's aways stop. Almost with large scene. This version for C4D is too unstable. I hope develop can focus fixing and developing it. C4D is future, not MAX.

https://photos.google.com/photo/AF1QipM ... 68pu36lj6w

Could you please attach the simulation log and scene ?

Thank you.
Can confirm that. Also after large scenes the viewport takes ages to render but the picture viewer renders normally.
Is this happening because of the scattering?
sitnisati Wrote:Hello,

Could you please attach the simulation log and scene ?

Thank you.

Please tell me how do I can find the log ?
Here is the scene I attach to you. But anyway this thing happen whenever/everytime I simulate with big simulate, not with A specific scene.
Please tell me how do I can find the log ?
Here is the scene I attach to you. But anyway this thing happen whenever/everytime I simulate with big simulate, not with A specific scene.[/quote]

The log from the simulation status window - please include it.
Keep it open and when simulation stops, save it to a file and attach here.

Thank you for the scene file.
Not sure if you're aware, but your scene would require over 1 terrabyte of memory to finish.

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