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sim problem
Version 1809 Build 17763.557

Cinema4D Version:
R 20.059

AMD Threadripper 1950x

Nvidia RTX 2080

GPU Version:

original scene had 100 frames and simmed fine, but I thought might be worth to see further development and changed scene length to 200. But resimming stops at 100 . Found I have to set output range to 200 by hand. Why does it not adapt to new scene length automatic like it does if I add a sim object at a given scene length ?

EDIT - just see there is another problem. Objects emit one coloured smoke. After they changed positions they canĀ“t decide which coulour to emit and emit 2 colours all of a sudden ...

https://www.dropbox.com/s/4vppego1h1fqe ... 2.mp4?dl=0
Windows: Version 1809 Build 17763.557
Cinema4D Version:R 20.059
CPU: AMD Threadripper 1950x
GPU: Nvidia RTX 2080
GPU Version: 419.67

When scene length is changed the FumeFX does not change ranges automatically because it doesn't know wheter the user want to sim/playback only 100 frames or not.
However, when you create new FumeFX it will pick up the frame range so you can start with this and eventually adjust the range accpording to your needs.

It looks like when sources change place, there is still some old color in the grid and it picks it up at the edges.
We'll look into this.

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec

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