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Vray Next crash; maybe Chaos to deal with
This may or may not be something for Afterworks to look into, however thought I'd post it.

Vray Next crashes rendering Fume fxd caches (v4 or v5) or Afterburn. Chaos suggests users fallback (free and included) to Vray 3.7. If not in your downloads, ping them.

Workaround - for me currently - simming (or converting) to VolGrid for Vray 4 rendering (haven't installed 3.7 yet). Otherwise Scanline rendering works fine for both Fume caches or AB.

Specifically, Vray Next is throwing a crash window with code when rendering the standard Fume .fxd cache. Seems to be working ok on VolGrid, though I do miss some of the shader look that VolGrid doesn't quite provide, that FumeFX does. Chaos states they are in contact with your team about the error.

3ds max 2019
Fume4 or 5
AB 4.2.3

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