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Fume5 gpu previews are jittery
I'm coming off of using Fume4 and getting into use of v5 and there are issues making clean previews since GPU is now my only option. Issues are:

--Jittery sim preview frames (even on quality 5). Fume4 preview was clean. In v5, the sim darts madly back and forth and it plays back, like it's trying to decide what viewport pixel to be on.
--As sim propogates, it reveals other geometry visible in the viewport, like wireframe data. I've tried hiding everything while only having geometry visible but even the sim box outline starts to do a 'reveal' as the sim extents grow. It's distracting to use the previews with these artifacts visible. Again v4 was clean. Only fire/smoke voxels were seen and nothing else.

Can't make use of breakoff viewport, since that's only in 3ds2020, so am looking for a solution for 3ds2019.


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