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Any specific environment variables for Arnold shader?
I'm trying to install FumeFX Shader for Arnold on Maya, and which will be installed with loading path as environment variables.
But after some try&error I couldn't make sure what exactly the path is.
Anybody can help me?

If possible, I'd like to know all environment variables that can be used currently in FumeFX for Maya, to make sure.

Thank you.

For the shader itself there are no environment variables in use.
All FumeFX-Arnold shader files install to appropriate Arnold folders (/extensions and /shaders).

I hope this helps.

Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec
Thank you for the reply.

I actually solved this by using Arnold default environment variables and it works fine.

- ARNOLD_PLUGIN_PATH for /shaders
- MTOA_EXTENSIONS_PATH for /extensions

Thank you.

Thank you for the information.
We are glad that you have found the solution for the Arnold folders.

Kresimir Tkalcec

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