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FumeFX 6.5.2 [max] update - Printable Version

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FumeFX 6.5.2 [max] update - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-18-2024


Today we have released FumeFX 6.5.2 update. Here is a list of new features, improvements and bug fixes.

New Features and Improvements
- FumeFX Toolbar now includes additional NodeWorks and ISurf icons, along with Quick Presets for rigid body dynamics, soft body dynamics, cloth, voxel grid, explosion, and PBD liquids.
- FumeFX objects and modifiers are now accessible via the 3ds Max search option.
- FumeFX actions can now be found in the 3ds Max Customize User Interface dialog.
- NodeWorks now supports applying modifiers like Bend and Taper that can deform generated mesh. Note: this feature is not supported for direct rendering with Arnold.
- NodeWorks now includes a PBD Initial State node, allowing users to load GPU liquid simulation cache files as the simulation starting point. This significantly reduces simulation turnover times in scenarios where a body of water needs to be in a steady state at the start of the simulation.
- NodeWorks PBD Liquids - added retiming support for foam.
- NodeWorks has improved foam motion blur rendering with Arnold, achieving a lot faster performance (over two times faster) and lower memory usage.
- NodeWorks RBD, SBD and PBD Quick Presets now automatically recognize object names such as floor,pool,fountain,static,ground,glass,bottle,sink,bathtub adding them as static collision objects.
[Image: Release%20History.jpg]
FumeFX 6.5.2 update new features video.
- NodeWorks PBD Liquid Quick Preset - improved initial particle size handling.
- NodeWorks Set Particle Attribute node added Spin input.
- NodeWorks Object Info node added Spin output.
- ISurf object can now use UVW channels from tyFlow by referencing the channel name.
- FumeFX simulation issues under 3ds max 2025 have been resolved.
- NodeWorks Ground Explosion and WW2 Flak presets didn???t properly setup Arnold shaders in newer Arnold builds.
- NodeWorks changing Fiber settings didn't trigger resimulation.
- NodeWorks changing Arnold User Data Export option didn't trigger scene render refresh.
- NodeWorks Disk Cache rollout - changing the Use Retimer and Time Scale Factor options didn't trigger cache to reload and scene update.
- NodeWorks Load Particle Cache node - Time Scale Factor parameter was always grayed out.
- NodeWorks Spin node - previously, when the Spin Axis pin was connected, a unit conversion was applied. Now, with the Spin Axis pin connected, no conversion is performed and value is used directly.
- ISurf can crash when trying to write UVW channel from 3rd party particle systems.