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rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - Printable Version

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rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - godwin - 11-14-2024

I have been rendering fumefx fire with scanline without using redshift,vray or other rendering plugins. 
Somehow in comp the color range is not there much, even though my output is exr. if i try to turn down the exposure in comp,the color range comes down flat. 
is there any options which i am missing or i have to shift to rendering plugins to solve this.

RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-14-2024


Yes, you can output unclamped color to a .exr file—please see the attached image for reference.
In the FusionWorks renderer, enable the "Create Channels" option, then select any channels you need in the .exr file.

Also, in the .exr save dialog, ensure you add the necessary G-Buffer channels.

Hope this helps!


RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - godwin - 11-14-2024

Wow! Thank you

RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - godwin - 11-14-2024

Tried rendering with this method. but as i hit the render button. the render dialog box shuts down. without saving the frame with a blank frame on screen

RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-14-2024


What is the FumeFX version that you use?
I've tried with 6.5.1 and all seems fine.

RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - godwin - 11-14-2024

Looks like its working now. MY version is 6.5. something to do with the scene file. so i Merged just the container and lights in a new scene. It worked.

RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-14-2024


If you see this happen again, please send the minimal .max scene to our support email.

Thank you.

RE: rendering with 3dsmax scanline issue - godwin - 11-15-2024

Sure. Thanks