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No collsion Detect - Printable Version

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No collsion Detect - Tapple - 06-20-2019

does not read the collision, in any mode, Shell and solid

Re: No collsion Detect - sitnisati - 06-20-2019

Thank you for the report.
Could you please include the scene ?

Thank you.

Re: No collsion Detect - Tapple - 06-20-2019


Re: No collsion Detect - Lothar1952 - 06-21-2019

I can confirm this issue.
simple plane as a collider works, if cloth adds thickness, it fails but can be fixed by using an instance of the cloth object. So it´s a cloth problem only.

it gives an error 5 during simulation btw

as cloth simulation is cached before simulating fume of course file is too big to upload (10mb) ... h.c4d?dl=0

there are some penetrations on high speeds, think I have to find the iteration knob still Wink


Re: No collsion Detect - Tapple - 06-21-2019

Attention....When you create a collision object to put it in source object, the fact remains that for now fume fx does not read the thickness of a polygon that can be created with Cloth surface

Re: No collsion Detect - Lothar1952 - 06-21-2019

Tapple Wrote:Attention....When you create a collision object to put it in source object, the fact remains that for now fume fx does not read the thickness of a polygon that can be created with Cloth surface
that´s what I said. Cloth surface object seems not to give correct information to fume. But as a workaround, you might create an instance of that cloth object and use that as a collider. This will work and you have your thickness intact ...

Re: No collsion Detect - sitnisati - 06-24-2019


Very thin objects can be missed by the engine when used as collisions and right now this cannot be avoided.
We will look to improve this in the future.
Thank you for the report.