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Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene - Printable Version

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Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene - Suppybird_FumeC4D - 06-20-2019

It's always happen. Disk is not full, RAM is not full, And it's aways stop. Almost with large scene. This version for C4D is too unstable. I hope develop can focus fixing and developing it. C4D is future, not MAX. ... 68pu36lj6w

Re: Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene - sitnisati - 06-20-2019


Could you please attach the simulation log and scene ?

Thank you.

Re: Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene - neon13 - 06-20-2019

Can confirm that. Also after large scenes the viewport takes ages to render but the picture viewer renders normally.
Is this happening because of the scattering?

Re: Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene - Suppybird_FumeC4D - 06-20-2019

sitnisati Wrote:Hello,

Could you please attach the simulation log and scene ?

Thank you.

Please tell me how do I can find the log ?
Here is the scene I attach to you. But anyway this thing happen whenever/everytime I simulate with big simulate, not with A specific scene.

Re: Fumefx is alway stop simulating at some frame with Large scene - sitnisati - 06-20-2019

Please tell me how do I can find the log ?
Here is the scene I attach to you. But anyway this thing happen whenever/everytime I simulate with big simulate, not with A specific scene.[/quote]

The log from the simulation status window - please include it.
Keep it open and when simulation stops, save it to a file and attach here.

Thank you for the scene file.
Not sure if you're aware, but your scene would require over 1 terrabyte of memory to finish.