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Max 9 - Printable Version

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- Steve Green - 01-09-2007

Hi Kresimir,

so are Max 9 versions available now? And should they be obtained through Turbosquid, or will they be available here as well?



- sitnisati - 01-11-2007

Hello Steve,

We've made our installers that are available from our members area.
TurboSquid should post them on their web site as well.



- michal - 01-12-2007

Hi Kresimir,
I cannot download from your members area / files - I just dont see the links. How can I fix it?

- ddiener - 01-12-2007

Have you purcased via ? I did and i think we have to get the Update from there...

- sitnisati - 01-12-2007


Because of web site bandwidth limit, we had download links enabled only for users that have purchased plug-ins from our web site.

The minimum we can do to compensate for installers delay, which was not our fault, we have decided to allow all our members to download appropriate 3ds max 9 installs.

A few moments ago, we have fixed one members area bug.
Login again, and if you still do not see AfterBurn files, please send me an email to and I will take a look at your account.



- michal - 01-12-2007

Thank you Kresimir,
This is really encouraging to see your support. I wish I could be your customer and not tied to Turbosquid anymore...
Maybe buying an upgrade to Afterburn 4 in your shop would fix this :roll:
Best regards

- sitnisati - 01-12-2007

We're doing our best to provide the best service possible to all our users.
There are good chances that we keep direct download links inside our members area forever, but can't make any promise at the moment.

Thank you for your support.


- jrand - 01-12-2007

Many, many thanks Kresimir! Big Grin

I and I am sure many other people really appreciate you looking into and fixing the problem.


- ddiener - 01-13-2007

Thank you for THAT service !
Really !

I think as a turbosquid-purchaser i´ll have to wait until next summer for AB9 Wink -turbosquid is not so "turbo", it seems.

- mnarlock - 01-19-2007

I've had 2 open inquiries to Turbosquid...the first dating to 12/1/2006 regarding ABs availability. Compounding my issue is I need the education version!

Has there been any movement on this at all?


- ddiener - 01-20-2007

Today i got an email from turbosquid, telling me about Afterburn is now available for Max9.

3.2a - talon nightshade - 01-21-2007

-just purchased AB 3.2A this evening thru the AB/SS site, will the download appear in my "files"? I don't see it yet?

- sitnisati - 01-21-2007

mnarlock Wrote:I've had 2 open inquiries to Turbosquid...the first dating to 12/1/2006 regarding ABs availability. Compounding my issue is I need the education version!

Has there been any movement on this at all?


Turbo Squid is in charge of selling EDU version, so I really cannot tell what's going on. If your ticket is still not answered, please send me both ticket details.



Re: 3.2a - sitnisati - 01-21-2007

talon nightshade Wrote:-just purchased AB 3.2A this evening thru the AB/SS site, will the download appear in my "files"? I don't see it yet?


As soon as we process your order, you will get an email with all details.

