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fire tutorial |
Posted by: cgroman - 03-18-2006, 03:46 PM - Forum: AfterBurn
- Replies (6)
hi everyone,
im new to afterburn, or at least dont use it that often.
i need a cool and detailed fire effect. animatable! to setup a adequate particle system is no problem, all i need is some clue for a good afterburn setup. i really would appreciate any help or link to a good tutorial.
thanks in advance.
Deamon link Map doesn´t work |
Posted by: ddiener - 02-20-2006, 12:58 PM - Forum: AfterBurn
- Replies (4)
Is it normal (or a known bug) ?
At the moment the only Deamon that affects an mapped object (mapped with deamon-link-map) is "Void".
Wind and Swirl don´t show an effect... As far as i remember, they worked on my 3dsMax7. Didn´t they ?
Now, like i told, no effect in Max8.
May be a Patch does alredy exist ?
Thank you
Afterburn and Lenseffects = Problem |
Posted by: ddiener - 02-19-2006, 07:54 PM - Forum: AfterBurn
- Replies (3)
I hope to find a solution for my problem on 3dsMax8 and Afterburn
for reproducing the error do the following:
1) In an empty scene set the Backgroundcolor to red or green or something not-black/not-white.
2) Create an omnilight and assign a Lenseffect-Glow.
3) Adjust the Glow that ist nice visible in the Perspective-Rendering, but not fills the whole screen.
4) In the Lenseffect Globals - Scene Settings activate the "Affected by Atmosphere" checkbox.
5) If you render it should still look fine.
6) Now add an Afterburn Atmosphere (which automaticly adds the Afterburn Renderer). Immediately deactivate "Afterburn" and "Afterburn Renderer".
7) Render the scene again.
The result is inaccepable. The Glow has gotten a very hard, sharp edge.
In fact, i cann´t find a way to use Afterburn and the Glow Lenseffect at the same time/same scene.
Any idea ?
Export the color texture from terra/max to a realtima appl.. |
Posted by: kjellve - 02-03-2006, 09:29 AM - Forum: DreamScape
- Replies (2)
Hi, We are developing a offshore simulator (3d game development), and is of course a realtime application. We also need to make some land and I would like to use the nice texturing that dreamscape terra material is making.....How kan I do this.... is it possible to bake it into a standard texture? so it has UW mapping and textures instead?...
Please advise
Kjell A
Offshore Simulator Centre
terrain map in opacity slot trouble |
Posted by: aldred2 - 01-25-2006, 10:01 AM - Forum: DreamScape
- Replies (1)
I have a terrain object, an island surrounded by sea. I want to mask out the sea using a terrain map in the opacity slot, but it's not working as expected. I set the minimum elevation and can see the effect in the MaterialEditor, but when I render, the area that should be transparent is black.
What can I do?
dem data spikes |
Posted by: aldred2 - 01-25-2006, 07:38 AM - Forum: DreamScape
- Replies (5)
I'm trying to get data from the USGS Seamless Data Distribution into Dreamscape. I can download a GeoTiff file and then output DEM via the 3DEM freeware programme. The trouble is, when I import as a terrain, I get several spikes where pixels must have enormous values. Another problem is that the map appears to be right/left flipped.
I realise these probably aren't Dreamscape problems, but can anybody suggest how to fix them? I've tried going via Terragen, but the data values seem to change and I lose accurate sea level.
Foam and wake from a pillar |
Posted by: Enrico - 01-17-2006, 08:10 AM - Forum: DreamScape
- Replies (4)
Hi All,
I'm trying to generate some reflected waves and foam from a pillar in the middle of a water surface. While I can obtain wakes and foam from a floating object (setting the physics etc.), I can't obtain anything from the pillar. I set the "object is unyielding" property, if I correctly understood that should generate the effects I need. Can anyone help me? Is there any sample file to look at?
Thanks in advance,
moving the horizon down |
Posted by: antoon - 01-06-2006, 03:23 AM - Forum: DreamScape
- Replies (2)
Does anyone know how to move the horizon down so I don't get a darkblue line over my landscape?
AB & opacity question |
Posted by: mnarlock - 01-01-2006, 11:13 PM - Forum: AfterBurn
- Replies (3)
I'm attempting to model an object entering the atmosphere. I'm using pflow with AB + explode daemon that achieves, essentially, the desired result. However, I'd like the trail end of the generated smoky trail to dissipate. Can this be achieved with AB? Essentially, I'm looking for an opacity map I guess based on particle age. It seems the only control AB gives is over the noise parameters.
Am I missing something?