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Still getting Error 126, please Help!

Here is the install (and install order):
- Windowx XP SP2 (64 bit - clean install)
- 3DSMAX 2009 (64 bit)
- Afterburn 4.0b R2009
- Dreamscape 2.5e R2009
- TP 3.0 SP2 (64 Bit)
- Fume FX SL 1.2 (64 bit)

All order versions removed before installing the new versions.
* * * * * * *
Whenever I launch MAX 2009 (64 bit or 32 bit), I get the error message:
d:\program files\Autodesk\3DS MAX 2009\Plugins\Afterworks\Optional\FumeFX_TP.dlo failed to initialize. Error code 126 - the specified module could not be found.

* * * * * * *
I have read, modifying the pluing.ini file would help. Which one? I have modified so many different ones, my head is spinning.
I have read, that moving the DLO files would help, but alas, not. Still have the same message.
I have verified "security settings" and they are not the problem.
* * * * * * *

Now, I need to be able to render on a networked machine, and this is making it very difficult, as the error messages and missing plugins are not allowing the system to render properly. I have read in these forums as well as many others, that lots of poeple have this problem and there does not seem to be 1 fix everyone seems to agree upon.

We have been struggling with this for a very long time. Please help! Thank you.
DElete the Tpffx.dlo from the install.. its in Optionnal..

read further more on this forum , lots of posts has been asked about this..
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Thanks Rif for the reply.

Yes, it is a popular discussion.

I fixed it myself and here is how I did it and everything lives harmoniously together.

Here is the Catch!

First- Install Thinking Particles 3.0 SP2 (64 bit is current)
Second- Install FumeFX. During the installation of FumeFX, if you go to CUSTOM install, it has an "optional" component for thinking particles. DO NOT install it.

Will everything still work? YES.
Do you still get errors? NO.
Can you render FumeFX and Thinking particles? YES.

No more error 126.

That's it, that simple. Thanks.
yep but the DLo will give you Additionnal Fume Operators INSIDE tp ui ..

SO if you want them , you have to Edit you r ini accordingly , load tp First thgen Fume..
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