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Network Rendering
We dusted off our copy of FumeFX and have started using it for testing.
After reading throuhg a good share of the posts in this thread (a great thread BTW) we still have some questions...

We never did use FumeFX for netrendering.

If I understand things correctly:
You can network render in scanline (I am assuming you need to install fumeFX on all render nodes).
To network render with FumeFX and MR you need licensed versions on all render nodes (are there less expensive render node licenses?). It would seem to be really expensive to be required to purchase a full seat of FumeFX for a render node...
Can you use Vray with FumeFX without jumping through hoops?
Can you netrender with Vray and FumeFX on the entire render farm?

We make things crash and burn........
Hello David,

I apologize for a late reply.
To net render with mental ray, you need to purchase menatl ray shader licenses, that are much cheaper than FumeFX.
It's not on our online store yet as we're in the process of implementing an OPG system to it.

Prices are per node.
$60 - up to 10 nodes
$40 - 11 - 25 nodes
$25 - 26 - 100 nodes
$17 - 101 - 250 nodes
$12 - 251 - 500 nodes
$6.000 unlimited

As for other 3rd party renderers we cannot guarantee full compatibility.
For rendering with VRay, finalRender and Scanline no extra licenses are needed.


Kresimir Tkalcec
Thanks for the information.

Additional shader licenses are required even when MR already support netrendering?
The prices are very affordable regardless.
How do you handle the Licensing then?
Sorry but I have found FumeFx's licensing quite confusing...

We make things crash and burn........
mentay ray shader licensing is done through our AfterFLICS floating lisense system that
is a precusor to DCPFLICS and it works in the same way.
Usually, user would get XX licenses and authorize them on one license server and point other machines to
the license server.


Is there a download link for this license?

I looked but didn't find it.

We make things crash and burn........

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