Ahh yes.
GI from AB to FR - with include enviroment checked in FR.
It does work, but that's not really new - all atmospheric effects work: combustion and even CHaos Phoenix a long time ago

But that's really a hurra for the Cebas Guys.
Now I mean the Gi from FR reflecting from say ground onto AB.
This is an example from AB help file!!! And it did work beautifully back at AB 3.2a and FR r1 sp2.
Then in sp3 the object frproperties moved to object properties and it stopped working.
The funny thing is that nothing has changed - just the switch for receive self GI moved to a different place in GUI and AB doesn't notice it - there is no way to tell AB to use FR GI even though AB is able to do that.
I know this for a fact, because I had one mashine that was updated all through sp1, sp2, sp2a, sp3 and sp3a in FR.
There was something of in the updates so even though I was using FR SP3, and had a fr-properties tab in object properties - the fr-properties menu item didn't disappear from the right click menu.
Then if I checked the GI switch for AB in the NEW fr-properties tab - it didn't work.
If checked the switch in the OLD fr-properties menu - it worked.
So nothing changed in the FR engine or anything - just the placement of the GI switch and AB missed it!!!!
Unfortunately with the complete installers of FR (not updates) you didn't get the "old" frproperties menu anymore so there was, and still is, no way of telling AB that I want GI
Now I reported it to Sitni a couple of times since then and that's it.
Didn't think that it would be so hard to fix - now we have FR R2 - maybe it's not possible anymore - who knows.
But if it doesn't work - why is it in the help file???