02-27-2008, 06:53 PM
2 questions actually:
1. (I cant find this in any posts here, so bear with me) How does one control the max spacewarps in fume? For example, I have say, a simple emitter, and a -gravity, -wind, pbomb, etc as a spacewarp. Is there any way to get fume to follow those with animation? If i move the SW around the scene, the only time it actually changes the sim is when it's rotated.. It's like the velocities were based off of the pivot of the fume sim, so only the SW rotational values are used, not where in space the SW is found. I'm trying to get the fume sim to follow the SW itself with the source remaining static..
2. is there a way to do a negative pressure sim? like, a vaccuum pulling in smoke, etc? I tried renaming a sim in reverse for fun, and the fum sim looks correct, however, the particle velocities are another story ;)
tks in advance,
1. (I cant find this in any posts here, so bear with me) How does one control the max spacewarps in fume? For example, I have say, a simple emitter, and a -gravity, -wind, pbomb, etc as a spacewarp. Is there any way to get fume to follow those with animation? If i move the SW around the scene, the only time it actually changes the sim is when it's rotated.. It's like the velocities were based off of the pivot of the fume sim, so only the SW rotational values are used, not where in space the SW is found. I'm trying to get the fume sim to follow the SW itself with the source remaining static..
2. is there a way to do a negative pressure sim? like, a vaccuum pulling in smoke, etc? I tried renaming a sim in reverse for fun, and the fum sim looks correct, however, the particle velocities are another story ;)
tks in advance,