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New FumeFX vidoes availabe yet?

I was heard that you should make some new video tutorials about FumeFX, are they available yet or is it only the ones that ship with the plugin that are?

The only one I'm aware of is from Turbosquid (released today / yesterdayish)

http://www.turbosquid.com/FullPreview/i ... /ID/384802
Yes, I know about that DVD and I have made an order but according to another tread here, they said that new videos was supposed to be done/released to us in the member section and I was wondering if anyone know when those videos will be done.
Hello Stefan,

Can you please let me know which features you'd like to see explained in depth ?

Thank you.


Well, more stuff like integration with particle flow and how to create good looking explosions, like that the fire starts very quick, like a atomic bomb or simular.

Its simple the integration with particles system..

You can BOrn particles From Channels Saved from the Fume Grids.. Born particles in Group X when the Heat is that treshold , or\and When Smoke is that density etc...

You have operators you can make particles Follow the grid , and you can prob them in Tp and get to the channels of the grid voxels per particles , or you can follow them in Pflow ..

You can pick Groups in Tp to Get Unique particles emitions with the FFx particle Source Control .. in pflow i guess you can do that by events if you own afterburn as well and still pick the FFx particle Source ..

In Tp you can use the Particle Meshs Normals to Deflect And Emit From them by the Group as Object calls.. In Pflow you can try using the Mesher to get something similar . .peoples are saying its buggy ..

you can get some biconditionnality going where if you drive an FFx Setup from particles , you can then at the same step re-update the particle System with its new Data that will again get Fume to Get newer intentions and behaviors..

Do you really need a tutorial for explaining that ?
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Stefan Wrote:Hello
Well, more stuff like integration with particle flow and how to create good looking explosions, like that the fire starts very quick, like a atomic bomb or simular.

Well, we can explain what each feature does and vaious parameter relations, but how to create
a particular nice effect is maybe out of our abilities as CG artists.
I suggest that you check Allan's FumeFX training DVD and see if it looks interesting to you.


P.S. I'd love to see a max file of this video Smile http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RHGrPo0J-R4

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