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FumeFX 6.5.3 [max] update

Today, FumeFX 6.5.3 update has been released. It solves few critical NodeWorks issues and provides updated Example scene zip file.

New Features and Improvements
- NodeWorks Lock To Object node added VNormal output pin for vertex normal.
- NodeWorks Display Custom node added option that allows second input as position.
- NodeWorks Memory caching was not caching each frame in succession during 3ds max playback.
- NodeWorks Spline Force node was not working properly when particle input was connected.
- NodeWorks PBD liquid can crash on 3ds max reset/exit.
- NodeWorks PBD Liquid sources crashes with animated geometry.
- ISurf filtering can crash on large grids.
Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec

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