Installers are updated and FumeFX 5.1 for max 2022 should now work with Arnold
Thanks for the report!
This was due to case sensitivity. I'm embarrassed.
Thank you.
Hello :-)
it's me again ;-)
There is a new Arnold Renderer for 3ds MAX 2022. Version Unfortunately there are also small start problems.
I have again created a scene with a FFX Simple Src and simulated 100 frames.
Then rendered with the new Arnold ... and then I get this error message.
Thanks for your effort.
Please redownload installer, remove and reinstall FumeFX.
There was an error when user installed Arnold from the web it installed to another folder than 3ds max.
Actually, there are two places where Arnold is, and updated installer takes this into consideration.
Thanks for the feedback and glad that it's sorted out.
Take care.
Kresimir Tkalcec