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Often we have to restart the cinema 4d
Often while working fume fx stops simulating, you have to close and reopen Cinema 4d
Me too. very often when I have to delete old simulating data and re-simulate.
Tapple Wrote:Often while working fume fx stops simulating, you have to close and reopen Cinema 4d


Could you please let us know does it stops simulating while there is a simulation already in progress, or you are working on the scene and Start Simulation button doesn't work anymore.

Thank you.
For me, it stops after the first frame or just a few frames. I have also had FumeFX become unresponsive after noodling with the render settings with the GPU viewport enabled.

I just had it happen after rendering a 300 frame simulation, and then made adjustments to the container and voxel size. At some point, I think FumeFX just runs out of memory and stops responding. In this situation X-Particles usually crashes Cinema, so having FumeFX just stop and allow a save is a better scenario.
sitnisati Wrote:
Tapple Wrote:Often while working fume fx stops simulating, you have to close and reopen Cinema 4d


Could you please let us know does it stops simulating while there is a simulation already in progress, or you are working on the scene and Start Simulation button doesn't work anymore.

Thank you.

the simulation button no longer works, you press it and nothing happens
Suppybird_FumeC4D Wrote:Me too. very often when I have to delete old simulating data and re-simulate.

You can adjust stop/continue data to be saved every 20 frames or so. When simulation crashes or you have to restart c4D, you can always continue simulation from some of the saved frames saving lots of time. You can adjust that under the FumeFX preferences -> Snapshot options.

I can also confirm this. I have to restart Cinema at least 10 times a day simulating and caching all these FumeFX sims. After a while it just gives up simulating..
same problem here.
the bigger the caches the often i have to quit c4d and restart the projectfile. then i use "continue simulation-current frame" and it works again a while.
i also got this errormessage evrey time i start the simulation:

c4d r20.056
win 10 64bit.
64 gb ram
4xgeforce rtx2080 ti
intel i7 6900k
here is the scenefile ( 100 MB) . it includes a particlesource which is a cached TP-sequence. you need the Realflow-Connection-Plugin, but for testing purposes you just can disable the particlesource.


the last simulation here works until frame 60, then the first restart, frame 75: restart, frame 84: restart ( and so on)

but fumefx looks pretty cool so far! Smile
(testrender with octaneSmile

https://vimeo.com/useruser/download/344 ... 7ef1ff2d18

c4d r20.056
win 10 64bit.
64 gb ram
4xgeforce rtx2080 ti
intel i7 6900k
Thank you for the scene file and video clip, I hope we will be able to reproduce it.
Rendering looks really nice detail!

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