Just upgraded to Max 2019 from 2016. When will you have Afterburn available for Max 2019?
We hope to have it done for 3ds max 2019 by the end of this week.
Thank you.
Kresimir Tkalcec
I just downloaded AB 4.4.3 for Max 2019. Installed it still indicates 4.2.2. Max crashes with this version as soon as particles are assigned to it. When will this be fixed?
We have tested it here on several systems, but it does not crash so we cannot reproduce it.
In the AfterBurn about box it should say AfterBurn 4.2.3.
Kresimir Tkalcec
The About does indicate 4.2.3. My mistake. However, when I try to specify a Thinking Particle particle, Max crashes.
AfterBurn 4.2.3 has been fixed and new installers are up.
Please let us know if it works for you.
Thank you.
Kresimir Tkalcec
Still doesn't take tP particles. Same installer.
Ther new installer will report AfterBurn 4.2.3 - if it does not, please try to download from different browser or clear the cache.
Kresimir Tkalcec
It does report 4.2.3, but crashes with tp
The question I have is, Is Afterburn compatible with tP in Max 2019?
Yes, it is built with the TP 6.6 support.
Kresimir Tkalcec
Then why does Max crash every time I assign a tP particle group to Afterburn?
Could you please send a simple scene and let me know which TP group to pick so we can try to reproduce it ?
Thank you.
Kresimir Tkalcec
Couldn't attach a .max file, so I sent it by email to Domagoj, and asked that he forward it to you. I tried to apply Afterburn to the particles named Group, and it crashed Max. Again, I'm using Max 2019 and Afterburn 4.2.3.
Thank you for sending the file, but we were not able to reproduce as everything was working fine.
Could you please check the date of your AfterBurn.dlr file ?
Kresimir Tkalcec
created May 15, 2018
Modified April 18, 2018
Thank you for the information.
We have found one machine where it has crashed and new installers area up.
Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec
With the new executable, I get an error message, attached.
Can you please tell me what your intent is with Afterburn? It still doesn't work in Max 2019.
You did not respond to my last forum post, but I saw a different file, 8MB, posted on your site. Still doesn't work.
I want to give you a complete picture of what I've done in trying to get Afterburn to work in Max 2019. You put up a new installer last night at 8MB. The previous one from two days ago, was only 5MB. The original installer was about 10MB.
I tried installing the 5MB over the original; then I tried installing the 8MB over the original; then I uninstalled the original and tried installing each, 5, then 8MB files. Nothing worked.
So what's next? I would like this not to go over the weekend as that wastes two more days of not being able to use AB.