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3dsmax 2018 + fumeFX Crash
Hi there,

we have several licenses installed of Fume FX on Max 2018, we have it working on several machines as well. but two of them just crashes when I press the "fumeFX" button on the creation panel, directly without asking anything at all, just crashes Max.

I tried mergin FumeFX elements from another scene, also crashes.
The emitters I can place them without problems though...

We tried:
clean install of FumeFx
Delete Max2018 and clean intall it and clean install FumeFx
We tried giving permisions to writte the folders and files of FumeFx
We tried Adding manualy the server that we are using for the licenses.

So far, no luck.
Any ideas?

in 2017 works perfectly.

So far we didn't have such report, so it's hard to tell why it crashes only under 3ds max 2018 on those two machines.
Maybe you could zap and send us on Dropbox (or any similar service) the 3dsmax_minidump.dmp that is located in your temporary directory, which is usually C:\Users\USER_NAME\AppData\Local\Temp

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec
Thanks for the reply,

Here is the file:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/qha7th064btcd ... p.zip?dl=0

We will keep trying lets see if we can find what is wrong.

Thank you.

Thank you for the file.
It's hard to be more precise, but it seems that it crashes inside the vray2018.dll.
Could you please try to change the renderer to Scanline and then click to the FumeFX button ?
If still crashes, possibly to comment out the VRay as a plugin so that it does not load and create FumeFX?

Thank you.

Best regards,
Kresimir Tkalcec

I was on vacation.
now I'm back I will try what you suggest and lets see what happens.

Same, I uninstalled Vray and the Fume FX just crashes as soon as I press the FumeFX Button.

.... strange.

Thank you for the feedback.

For some users the problem was in one of the following two codecs Logitech lvcod64 and Blackmagic BMD:

The crash happened inside the lvcod64.dll.
If you have this codec inside the windows system32 folder, try to move it.

Also, the following codec can crash as well

Program Files (x86)\Blackmagic Design\Blackmagic Desktop Video\

Those codecs are know to crash other apps as well.
For the future build, we will have to skip loading those two codecs.

I hope this helps.

Kresimir Tkalcec
I had the same problem with max 2017. Dont know why it suddenly started to happen because it just started happening. After submitting a report to autodesk after a crash they came back with updating my logitech driver. Which of course didnt help because my webcam didnt have any updates. So I uninstalled the whole driver and software from logitech, BUT that didnt take away the lvcod64.dll from system32. So now after removing that file Fumefx works again. Thanks for the solution Smile
Tell autodesk that their solution does nothing, you have to manually remove the file.

We will add those codecs to the blacklist so that FumeFX does not try to load them.
If possible, could you please zip and attach those dlls ?

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec

That fixed the problem!
You're welcome!
I confirm. After disabling Blackmagic files, fume started to work again. It is strange, because I was not updating bmd since years, and fume started to crash one month ago or so. Perhaps most recent Fume version is allergic for BMD?

Nothing has been changed about that from our side.
If this codec is free to distribute, would it be possible to post this codec so that we can code FumeFX to not load it ?

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec

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