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An error has occured while loading output file
I have a network sim running and made the mistake of turning on the display of the Fume voxels before the sim finished. Now there is an infinite messagebox saying "An error has occured while loading output file". If you hit OK, it just pops back up infinitely. I had to kill Max.

Is there a way to limit this message so Max doesn't need to be killed in task manager?
Shawn Olson
USD Product Owner for 3ds Max & Maya @ Autodesk
Developer @ Wall Worm and Black Mesa
Hello Shawn,

Thank you for the report.
Was this a default or wavelet simulation and was it performed through the FumeFX SL (BB mode on) ?

Kresimir Tkalcec
Fluid Mapping was turned on and it was in BB mode.
Shawn Olson
USD Product Owner for 3ds Max & Maya @ Autodesk
Developer @ Wall Worm and Black Mesa
Thank you for report.
This is very interesting as FumeFX gets from 3ds max a flag whether it's in the render slave mode.
In render slave mode FumeFX will not dsplay this dialog.
We will look into this.

Kresimir Tkalcec

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