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[4.1.1] crash Windows 10
I'm getting mad with a scene.

Here's our setup : 3dsmax 2017, fumeFX 4.1.1 & licence server
I'm trying to merge a fumeFX into a lighting scene and i constantly crash, while my both scenes worked correctly on each side.

I've try a lot of things trying to make it work, and i finally found out that my scene can be merge & saved on windows 7.
I'm pretty sure fumeFX is not manage the same way on windows 10 than 7, but i don't know why.
I've checked all my firewall or folders permissions..... don't know where to check anymore

Any ideas please ?
Thanks !
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If you create a fresh scene with FumeFX grid and one simple source and then simulate few frames, would 3ds max crash if you try to merge it to your scene?
Any other plug-ins that you use, including 3rd party texture maps ?

Please let us know.

Thank you.

Kresikmir Tkalcec
We have a lot of other plugins yes : Ornatrix, Forest, Vray, inHouses...
I'm trying to re create a simple sim, but we used to work correctly with others grids

Edit : indeed, merging a simple sim make it crash too.
Looks like we have something instable in the scene, but can't point what.
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Could you try to strip the scene were you're trying to import FumeFX to minimum where 3ds max still crashes and email to us at support email ?
We can then try to reproduce.

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec
That's my problem, if i remove my characters (Ornatrix) or my Forests, i can merge & save...
I can't reproduce it on a simple scene.
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What if you try to merge the other way araound ?
Like merging the characters and Forests light, cameras etc to the already existsing FumeFX setup ?

Kresimir Tkalcec
This seems to work in this way, but it's quite painfull (loose of the frame range, render elements, environnements....)
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In fact, it looks like it comes from the licence server because, it crash too if i try to create a fumeFx grid instead of merging one.
I think there's a problem with AFLICS and maybe some user rights, but i don't know where.
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Could you please let us know what version of AfterFLICS tools does it report?

Kresimir Tkalcec
I tryed with the 3.5 shipped with the installer, then upgrading to 4.1.1 & 4.1.2.
And our licence server is on a windows server 2012 R2 virtual machine.
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For some users the problem was in one of the following two codecs Logitech lvcod64 and Blackmagic BMD:

The crash happened inside the lvcod64.dll.
If you have this codec inside the windows system32 folder, try to move it.

Also, the following codec can crash as well

Program Files (x86)\Blackmagic Design\Blackmagic Desktop Video\

Those codecs are know to crash other apps as well.

I hope this helps.

Kresimir Tkalcec
I don't have any of this codecs.
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You've said earlier that "That's my problem, if i remove my characters (Ornatrix) or my Forests, i can merge & save..." and later on you've said
"it crash too if i try to create a fumeFx grid instead of merging one."

At this point, I'm not sure if you're able to create FumeFX in the scene at all (without merging) ?
If your system crashes when you try to create FumeFX grid, then it's about some of those two codecs that actually crashes.

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec
If i try to work from my lighting scene, i crash nearly every time i try to merge or create a FFX grid.
I've unbug this specific scene by merging FFX in a empty scene and then merging all my scene (characters, set, props, lights...)
But we'll have a lot more others scene, and that's not a good way to work for me.

The thing is :
- I can make exactly the manipulation i want on a less powerfull machine but with windows 7.
- Since my FX team (~4 people) has switch to powerfull workstation with windows 10, they have to face a huge number of crashs because of fumeFX.
- crash always happens on 'real' scenes, never on a empty test scene.

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To be able to help you we will need a .max scene and steps to reprocude crash.
We're handling scenes with huge FumeFX 5.0 grids (100Gb sims) on Windows 10 and it never crashed during any operations.

If 3ds max always crashes in your "lighting scene" when you try to create FumeFX grid, then we would be glad to try to reproduce.

Thank you.

Kresimir Tkalcec

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