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z-depth - Printable Version

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z-depth - aldred2 - 07-11-2007

This is the first time I've tried getting z-depth out of AB3, and for the life of me I can't. It is working in max9, isn't it? 'Affect Z-buf' is on. And objects in the same position as the AB particles are giving me z-depth no problem.


Re: z-depth - sitnisati - 07-11-2007


It should be working through Renderng Effects, not Rendering Elements.
Can you see it in Effects output ?


Re: z-depth - aldred2 - 07-11-2007

Hi Kresimir. Thanks.
I'm not sure what you mean by Render Effects output. I can't find any AB effect to add in there except glow.


Re: z-depth - aldred2 - 07-11-2007

Apologies. Got it. Thanks for the help.


Re: z-depth - aldred2 - 07-11-2007

Another question if you don't mind. Is there any way I can get rid of the pixelation in the z-buffer, or is it something I have to deal with in post?
