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Falloff Material Map Emission - Printable Version

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Falloff Material Map Emission - joescarr - 04-27-2007

hi all,

does Fume not evaluate Falloff material & light interaction?

this sphere has a Falloff material set to Shadow/Light and there is a light in the scene with a project map (noise)... and Fume is setup with the object emitter but we do not get emission as expected...


- Rif - 04-27-2007

Yo Joe..
On your Obj Src you have it Set to Red Channels..

Those Channels are for the Max Vertex Paint Calls..
If you Put a Map , you want to switch it to Intensity and get ur greyed out color


- joescarr - 04-27-2007

thanks, Rif - I tried Intensity before but it doesn't work either. It's probably because Fume can't dynamically evaluate the Falloff map's Shadow/Light values... ?

- Rif - 04-30-2007

ok joe.. so now i get a bit more what ur trying to get :

Forget fume for a sec.. Do you even see in render the Fallof Map Updating based on ur light ? ur setup is gotta be working without FFx in question .. thats for 1..

As for : "thanks, Rif - I tried Intensity before but it doesn't work either. It's probably because Fume can't dynamically evaluate the Falloff map's Shadow/Light values... ?"

I wouldnt say that as if that was the case :

Fore example , Tp Textmap From Collision System wouldnt Be able to Emit from white area Fume ..

I would need to test it witch i still havent but i know that for fume ,every step of the simulation , the source Emition Map from Intensity is beeing checked to see changes to then modify the Emition or deminution per source bases in the grid..
So theoricly , if its in the render\ viewport without fume , then the Source should update..

- joescarr - 04-30-2007

thanks, Rif, but obviously you must be super busy and didn't open the file. Yes, the falloff material is working in Max.

We saw this problem a long time ago working on the Host.

Clearly TP Texmap & Fume are working. What is not working is Fume & Falloff material. Don't be afraid to admit something isn't working if it isn't working. There's probably a reason and it can probably be fixed. Hopefully someone in the beta will report this or if they need help in the beta I'm sure they can find more testers.

If Kreso or Sitni Sati can address this problem it would be appreciated.


- Rif - 04-30-2007

huh ? that sounded weard .. eh

what i m gonna admit is that i didnt even know the existence of a Fallof Map reacting to Light position in the Material editor .. And i never use that on the pipeline for the host stuffs .. i guess u must have tried it and i probably forgot to report it sorry for that


- joescarr - 05-01-2007

nah, it's easy to forget but I told you about it during the Host - no big deal. It would just be a nice way to be able to control Fume emission. I'll report it.