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RapidRay.cpp Error Line 316 - Printable Version

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RapidRay.cpp Error Line 316 - daveox - 01-25-2007

I'm trying to render particles to look like water droplets and max 8.3 crashes with the error "RapidRay.cpp Line 316". I have tried many different values in the RapidRay setup to no avail.

Also, whenever I turn on the viewport display in the AfterBurn effects rollout AND hide the particle emitters and do a test rendering, everything looks great for one frame. But then if I try rendering the animation (with the particles still hidden) I get the water droplets in EVERY frame frozen in space.

The crash happens with the scanline renderer or finalRender. Help! Deadline looms (of course...).


- sitnisati - 01-26-2007

Hello Dave,

Can you please send me a scene to so I can take a look ?

Thank you,
