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Viewport display issues - Printable Version

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Viewport display issues - Fabrice - 11-15-2022

Hi all,

in a scene I work I simply cant see the voxel or the GPU viewport display.

I mean :

when I run the simulation everything is fine I can see the voxel or GPU display in the viewports

but as soon as I want to play it (or scrub the timeline) I see none of them.

If I make a new scene from scratch it works fine

so there must be some settings in my working scene that make voxels and GPU display disappear...but wich one?

If anybody has any idea Sad

RE: Viewport display issues - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-15-2022


Can you see cache files in the folder where you have exported them ?
Is the playback range set the same out output range (set Start Frame to 0).
Without the scene, not sure what else could be.

RE: Viewport display issues - Fabrice - 11-16-2022

(11-15-2022, 10:34 PM)Kresimir Tkalcec Wrote: Hello,

Can you see cache files in the folder where you have exported them ?
Is the playback range set the same out output range (set Start Frame to 0).
Without the scene, not sure what else could be.
Yes I can see the cache files and the output/playback range seem ok.
Here's the scene (I deleted everything but the FumeFx), thanks.

RE: Viewport display issues - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-16-2022


It's the Play From value that is wrong - it should be set to 0.
Play From and Play To refer to the cache file numbers.
Start Frame is the frame in 3ds max to play the first cache file from.
It indicates the cache number from which you want to start playing at frame 0.

To be exact, you should set Play From to 160, Play To to 180 and Start Frame to 160. This will play cache 160 at 3ds max frame 160 and play until cache frame 180.

Hope this helps.

RE: Viewport display issues - Fabrice - 11-16-2022

(11-16-2022, 09:48 AM)Kresimir Tkalcec Wrote: Hello,

It's the Play From value that is wrong - it should be set to 0.
Play From and Play To refer to the cache file numbers.
Start Frame is the frame in 3ds max to play the first cache file from.
It indicates the cache number from which you want to start playing at frame 0.

To be exact, you should set Play From to 160,  Play To to 180 and  Start Frame to 160. This will play cache 160 at 3ds max frame 160 and play until cache frame 180.

Hope this helps.
I got it now, thanks!

RE: Viewport display issues - Kresimir Tkalcec - 11-16-2022

You're welcome!