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Startup Problems - Printable Version

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Startup Problems - JeDiSario - 04-23-2021

When I start3DS Max 2021, I am getting the following error, "Unable to write to FumeFX.ini. Global preferences cannot be saved."

After clicking OK, it then pops up another message that states,

"Could not open file C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3ds Max 2021\plugins\Afterworks\FumeFX.ini for writing. Global preferences will not be saved."

I saw a much older version of this same problem here in the forums, but the images provided to change settings are no longer available. Can someone help with this issue? Thanks!

Re: Startup Problems - DoKorak - 04-26-2021


FumeFX.ini file should be located in the folder [your 3ds Max]\Plugins\Afterworks\FumeFX

If your FumeFX.ini is there then please change FumeFX.ini properties like on the image below.
You will need to do that with administrator privileges.