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Chrashing/Bug ? - Printable Version

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Chrashing/Bug ? - ddiener - 03-31-2006

my problem is the Afterburn build-in Previewers.

The external Previewwindow and the windows in the Noise-Shape-Params.
When they are activated Max freezes when i do changes in the Afterburnparameters. I´ve tried different Videodrivers, but this didn´t help.
Should i dismiss the Prewievers ?
After the last freeze because of that Max didn´t start anymore. I´ve tried everything but i hat to reinstall.

Best wishes
Dominik Diener

- sitnisati - 03-31-2006

Hello Dominik,

Can you please let me know:

- AfterBurn version
- 3ds max version
- OS

- so that we can try to reproduce.

Thank you,


- ddiener - 03-31-2006

Thanks for watching the Topic !

- AfterBurn 3.2
- 3ds max 8 SP2
- WinXP-home SP2
- For the case that it doesmatter: GeforceFX5600ultra,

Best wishes
Dominik Diener

- sitnisati - 04-04-2006

I have tested it here on a fresh AfterBurn entry on a Win XP Pro and it is working okay. Are there maybe some special AfterBurn parameters in your case that could cause this ?


- superhypersam - 04-07-2006

I have had the same problem of crashing when using the noise shape viewer window.

Running maax 8 sp1
Win XP64
Quadro FX 4500

The solution was to switch to Direct X, instead of software or open Gl.
Have not had ythis issue since.

- ddiener - 04-16-2006

No, all of the parameters were at their defaults. Turning the Prewiev on and THEN changing parameters results in a crash (at the moment of changing something).


I run on OpenGL (because the others give not such a nice Vievportquality/-performance)

Thanks your both and best wishes
Dominik Diener